All Events postponed due to Covid-19
Thank you so much for showing interest in our events and treatments.
Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 Lockdown we have canceled or postponed our live events until further notice.
We have also stopped offering our face-to-face treatments and services.
Until things go back to normal we have created new online services and free mini-treatments to help everyone with this difficult situation. We also continue to offer our remote services and treatments, see below for more details.
We have also launched some online training courses for Crystal healing, so if you would like to expand your knowledge of Crystals you can find out more here
Some New options for you
Whilst we’re not able to hold live events we have begun recording a series of free short taster sound baths and you can find them on our YouTube channel by clicking the icon below.
As well as these short free sound baths we have also started to create a series of full length online soundbaths available for purchase direct from our website you can find these here

Remote Services
We have a selection of treatments that can be carried out remotely including Reiki and divination card readings. For full details visit our contact us page to see our remote bookings system.