If you have read my social media posts, or have read about my Sound Healing Practitioner course, you will have heard me mention Saint Germain, and may have found yourself wondering who he is. Saint Germain is one of the better-known ascended masters, keeper of the 7th ray and the violet flame, and more recently has been said to be the bringer of the Age of Aquarius.
So definitely not an Ascended Master to be overlooked! His energy is so gentle, comforting, and high vibrational, it makes his energy truly beautiful to work with. He is an integral facilitator and support in this current global awakening and is here to assist us individually and collectively with our spiritual development and awakening
Saint Germain and the violet flame
You can call on Saint Germain and the violet flame whenever you need helps to cleanse and transmute negative energies to something higher. In his earthly life incarnations, Saint Germain was Joseph of Nazareth (Jesus’ father), Christopher Colombus, and Merlin. In his last incarnation, it was said he lived as Sir Francis Bacon, after which is believed he became an ascended master and received the name Saint Germain.
Saint Germain is very strongly linked to amethyst, which holds the keys to the violet ray and is a fast way to connect to the violet flame. You might like to consider using amethyst as part of your mediations to create a further connection.
The violet flame originated in Atlantis and was held on earth, in the temple of violet fire, during which time, St Germain was in charge as a high priest of the violet flame.
When the fall of Atlantis took place, the Violet flame was closed down but was later returned to earth in 1987. It was at this time, that gold was introduced to the flame. In later years came wisdom and silver to symbolise purity and peace. And more recently a diamond light frequency has now been added around it, making the violet flame more powerful and high vibrational than it has ever been before!
Saint Germain’s Etheric Retreats
Saint Germain has 3 Etheric retreats, also known as temples of light where he receives students and also anchors the flame of freedom.
The etheric retreats are on the etheric plane, a realm that whilst in another dimension, is situated in the physical world. The cave of symbols is situated in Table Mountain, in the Rockies, Wyoming, America. There is also the Rakoczy Mansion, which is found in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountain in Transylvania, and lastly, the Royal Teton Retreat which is also found in Wyoming.
You can call on Saint Germain to take you to one of his Etheric retreats in your sleep to receive any healing that you may need. If you are meditation, visualise the violet flame and ask to be connected to Saint Germain’s energy, asking him to cleanse, clear, and transmute any negative energies, thoughts, and vibrations from your physical, auric, and astral fields. Take time getting used to his gentle and nurturing energy. Over time, you will find you very clearly and vividly see the violet flame in your mind’s eye.
I love to invite Saint Germain and the Violet flame into my space, every time I smudge or cleanse my home, space, or work tools and feel an instant transmutation and lift in energy and vibration whenever he is around.
When I work with Angelic Reiki I often call in the wonderful powers of Saint Germain to help bless the space and bring his wonderful healing power to the ceremony. Saint Germain’s energy brings me a lot of joy and makes me feel safe when I know he’s near. I channel his love and light when I give Angelic Reiki healings both distant and in person.