Holistic Serenity has been using social media marketing since day one. We have found that much of our clients come directly from social media or word of mouth. Holistic wellness businesses are the perfect match for social media marketing as they focus on helping people overcome all kinds of challenges, and that means that people are invested in how they can be helped.
The problem is that many people don’t know how to use social media for business purposes. They don’t understand the difference between a personal and business profile, or they approach it with such a business focus that they don’t appeal to their target audience.
To help you with your social media impact James has created his Marketing Master Class for Holistic Wellness Practitioners, which is an in-depth guide to help you understand exactly how powerful social media can be, and also give you daily tasks and a step by step approach to optimising your use of social media and growing by at least 1,000 new followers in a month.
Now some of you may think 1,000 sounds like a lot, and others it doesn’t sound like much, but the reality is that 1,000 followers in 1 month, from a possible position of negative growth, is huge. And this isn’t just any followers, the course teaches you how to attract your ideal clients into your following because after all you want to use social media to grow your business, not just post some memes and get a few likes.
So here is a guide James has created to the 10 Biggest mistakes of social media marketing, to help you understand where to begin when it comes to using social media for marketing your holistic wellness business.
- No Strategy: Like everything in business you need a strategy, and social media is no different. You need to be focused on what you want to achieve and how you want to do it, but you also need to understand who you need to connect with and how to do that, because after all you’re trying to grow your business, so you need to find more clients online!
- No Content plan: Posting random information, sporadically, disjointed messages is the fastest way to stunt your growth. Consistency is everything with building your reach and your growth depends on it. Creating a solid content plan will help you stay ahead and not stress when it comes to posting and you’ve run out of ideas.
- Poor Comments: Interacting with your community is critical to the success of your social media. You have to get this right or you may as well not bother. Leaving authentic, helpful and engaging comments of posts is one of the best ways to do that, a simple emoji or “I like this” comment is not enough.
- Agreeing with every post: Although it’s fine to agree with what people are posting, adding a little extra flavour goes a long way, especially if you see someone posting something you know to be false. Don’t start an argument but add your perspective and start a conversation around your varying opinions/experiences. Just be careful not to offend or create conflict.
- Not managing time effectively: The latest addition of Reels to Instagram is both a blessing and a curse. You can get great reach from them, but they can also suck you in and kill your time online. Be careful how much time you spend engaging and don’t get carried away watching cat videos. Plan out your time and break it into bite-sized chunks to make the most of your activities and not get bored.
- Not interacting on Live streams: This is where you can really meet some of your community who are already highly engaged. People who interact with Live streams asking questions and answering those of the host get noticed, and if you get involved as well it’s a great way to tap into the followers of the host to grow your own.
- Not Collaborating: Just like appearing on live streams take part in collaborations is huge. Working with the right profiles can help you grow faster than any other tactic, but you need to get it right, and you need to build a relationship, simply DMing everyone you would like to collaborate with might work for a few accounts but will alienate a lot more. Build relationships and let the collaborations come naturally.
- Not creating content for your ideal client: This is another massive mistake that all businesses make. The biggest lesson you need to learn is that your ideal clients don’t really care about your business, services and special offers. They care most about their problems and how they’re going to solve them. You can’t simply post ads every day as your content or talk endlessly about what you do, without making it relatable to their problems, and the solutions you have for them. Focus on helping them in every way you can and don’t spend too much time on self-promotion, be subtle about it.
- Buying followers: NEVER, ever, ever buy followers. They’re always fake accounts that won’t buy from you, so there is no point if you want to grow a business. You might want the authority of the follower size, but it won’t last, the fake accounts get deactivated over time so your account will just shrink. And the genuine people following you won’t see your content as most likely the fake accounts will take up all your post reach. This is bad in so many ways, and can also see you getting your account suspended or terminated. Don’t do it.
- Follow/unfollow tactics: This is one of those simple tactics, that used to be highly recommended by “gurus”, it does work sometimes, but it ends up just giving your brand and your business a bad name, Avoid this and only follow people you really want to. Spend more time commenting and engaging with those you want to follow you instead.
If you would like a more in-depth look at these 10 biggest mistakes of social media marketing then please download our guide for more help and information on how to get the most out of your social media activity. Or if you would like to take your business social media to the next level then why not check out our Marketing Masterclass course to grow your business and get fully booked in no time.