Monthly subscriptions to heal at home
Monthly subscriptions to heal at home
Even before Covid19, we had a vision of being able to bring healing to the comfort of your own home. Our live events are continuously growing and selling out so we wanted to find a way to allow everyone to enjoy the benefits of our wonderful healing modalities at any time, anywhere.
With this in mind, we have launched our monthly subscription service. We have lovingly developed two tiers of subscription to give you the freedom to choose your level of healing you wish to partake in each month.
Why subscribe?
With over 20 years working with Holistic Treatments and services we have put together a monthly service that we feel will benefit anyone who needs a little helping hand.
Healing isn’t a one time only quick fix, just like counselling you need regular monthly or even weekly treatments to work towards a more healthy and happy lifestyle.
This can become expensive and with so many people struggling with mental health issues these days we wanted to create a service which is accessible for everyone no matter your budget.
What do I get?
We have planned a year ahead of monthly topics, themes and healings, each month will help to cleanse and heal past traumas, negative thought patterns/beliefs, issues and energies which are not serving your highest good.
The first six months focuses on shedding, cleansing and clearing blockages and negative energies, and the following six months focuses on building your defences against negativity, setting positive goals, making love your ally and your passion to make everyday life that much more empowered.
Our services can be watched once a month or many times, we recommend weekly, to reinforce and strengthen the bonds of mindfulness to really give you all the tools to manifest the life you want to lead.
Silver Tier Subscription
Our Silver Tier Monthly Suprsciption really is an amazing bargain.
For just £5 a month you receive £35 worth of healing services as detailed below.
Each of our services will be emailed to you monthly which you can keep and re-watch over and over at a time that best suits you, giving you complete flexibility.
Every month has a new theme and focus allowing for gradual growth and development to take a path towards a more grounded, peaceful and blissful you.
Just £5 for £35 worth of treatments & more

- 30 Minute Soundbath £10
Monthly 30-Minute Pre-Recorded Soundbath to keep and use as often as you want
- Chakra Balancing & Cleansing £25
Monthly Distant Pre-Recorded Chakra Balancing Cleansing and Clearing treatment
- Monthly Emails with exclusive offers
Monthly Exclusive Subscription Newsletter with updates, offers, discounts and event ticket early access just for our subscription members.
- Exclusive Facebook group
Exclusive access to a Holistic Serenity Facebook Community Group where information, healing tips and more, will be shared.
£35 worth of monthly treatments for just £5 a month!

Gold Tier Subscription
Our Gold Tier Monthly Suprsciption is for those who want that extra special monthly healing service.
For just £10 a month you receive all the below. Allowing you to receive monthly offerings to keep and watch over and over at any time that best suits you.
Each of our services will be emailed to you monthly which you can keep and re-watch over and over at a time that best suits you, giving you complete flexibility.
Every month has a new theme and focus allowing for gradual growth and development to take a path towards a more grounded, peaceful and blissful you.
Just £10 for £60 worth of treatments & more

- 30 Minute Distant Reiki Treatment £25
Monthly 30-minute Pre-Recorded Distant Reiki Treatment to keep and use as often as wanted
- 30 Minute Soundbath £10
Monthly 30-Minute Pre-Recorded Soundbath to keep and use as often as you want
- Chakra Balancing & Cleansing £25
Monthly Distant Pre-Recorded Chakra Balancing Cleansing and Clearing treatment
- Monthly Emails with exclusive offers
Monthly Exclusive Subscription Newsletter with updates, offers, discounts and event ticket early access just for our subscription members.
- Exclusive Facebook group
Exclusive access to a Holistic Serenity Facebook Community Group where information, healing tips and more, will be shared.
£60 worth of monthly treatments for just £10 a month!

Still not sure?
We have created a series of mini sound baths, totally FREE!
Our free sound baths give you a short meditation to focus on different intentions to give you a little taste of what our full more in-depth sound baths can offer.
You can also follow us on our social media platforms to get all the latest news, updates, events and offers.