If you find yourself here reading this, then the likelihood is that you have heard and deeply felt the call to earn yourself a sound healing certification. You may have been blessed to have experienced first-hand, the magic and deep cellular healing that experiencing sound healing can bring, or you just may have had an unexplained calling that you simply couldn’t ignore to study for your own sound healing certification.
However you have found yourself here, if your soul is calling you to this ancient, beautiful, transformation and life-changing modality, then I welcome you with an open heart and welcoming arms. I know this feeling all too well because it is exactly how I experienced the call myself. And it was in this modality that I found my purpose, my soul-aligned calling and it changed my life in the most spectacular way.
Fast forward to 2021, as an already accredited training provider, and having had years of experience as a sound healing practitioner, it was a natural progression to create this online Sound Healing Certification, which in its earliest conception, was meant to purely be a practical approach to sound healing. However, in what was one of those life-changing moments, that would set about a chain of events, and things in motion that meant the depth of the work I do, the service I offer, and the guidance I share, would forever be changed. To be more raw, honest, authentic, soul-aligned and transformational.
More than just a sound healing certification
As has often been the ‘upstairs joke’ since my late teens, whilst in the bathroom minding my own business, whilst doing my business, the higher realms always seem to choose that as a good moment to come through and have a little chat with me. Saint Germain, whom I have been working closely with since becoming attuned to Angelic Reiki, came through with crystal clarity, telling me that the celestial kingdom of light, wished for my sound healing certification to be more than just the practical application of sounds healing.
Saint Germain told me that this course needed to be a deep dive into cellular healing and clearing on a multidimensional, focusing on cellular clearing, releasing familial lineage and past life trauma, and expanding the light body, to anchor in expanding light codes and keys of ascension.
He told me that I would need to go public with the light language I had been privately speaking in deep meditation, and stand fully in my light. Allowing me to support my students to receive 10th-dimensional activation, and expanded levels of consciousness. Giving them the tools to channel this via their sound healing, anchoring in divine light to their clients and helping raise the vibration of everyone they worked with and on a collective global scale.
This isn’t the type of call you can ignore, so with very little understanding of how this course would turn out, I meditated, channelled guidance, healings and soon a beautifully orchestrated template plan for this course began to emerge in a very gentle and light-filled way. This course encouraged me to fully step into my personal power and shine my light in my own unique way and it has been the most liberating, life-fulfilling process I have undergone.
A transformational sound healing certification
Through the creation, and sharing of this sound healing certification, I was taken on my own transformation, rebirthing, and remembrance of my soul’s journey. This journey will support you to reclaim soul fragments you have lost over lifetimes and timelines, allowing you to fully step into your light, your sovereignty and live your soul’s purpose, with the highest levels of light and love.
This course is a culmination of my dedication to source, spirit, service, love and the highest vibration. I want nothing more than to share this journey with anyone who feels called to channel light in their work and share healing, love, and compassion with the world as we transcend the confines of a 3D reality.
I was so blown away, but the weekly emails, messages and kind words of gratitude, and appreciation from my first cohort members. Which affirmed how right I was to listen and act on the divine guidance I was given. It is my greatest honour to be able to open this sacred space to share with others.
If you join us for the next cohort, expect magic, expect transformation, expect a deeper connection to the celestial kingdom of light and learn how you can create the most amazing shift, healing, and change within people whom you will go on to share your sound healing with.
Every week of the live classes is jam-packed, with healings, sound baths, meditations, tools to further your own learning, healing and ascension process as well as prerecorded video tutorials, guide books, journals and loads of extra bespoke resources created to support this sound healing practitioner journey.
Our next cohort begins soon and if this calls to your soul, I would love to share this journey with you. Follow this link for full details on the course.